Cash Management

Maximize liquidity & optimize returns. Strategic cash management for financial prowess

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Automated & Real-time Data Imports

End of day and intraday statement collection including API connectivity

Automated Bank Reconciliation

Based on payment reference numbers, date, amount & custom rulesets

Drag & Drop Scenario & Liquidity Planning

Simulate cash flows and deals 

Salmon Treasurer provides a suite of tools for complete and effective Cash Management. This includes giving users a real time view of current cash positions, carrying out tasks such as reconciliation and short term liquidity planningcash pooling (both physical and notional), reporting and more, with the emphasis on automation.

Cash position keeping 

Start your day with automatically generated cash positions at your fingertips allowing you to focus on key treasury activities by eliminating manual data imports. The process of importing data in and out of the system can be fully automated by using either safe flat file transfer including end-of-day and intra-day statements, API connections, SWIFT services, EBICS and any Bureau Service. Furthermore, you can customise the output according to your needs thanks to our dynamic reporting and export the data to a wide variety of formats. 

Physical(cash sweeping) & notional cash pooling including ZBAs 

Salmon Treasurer will allow you to centralise your cash positions, improve liquidity utilisation and improve self-financing, including support for zero balancing structures with automated import of the required sweeps and impacting the intercompany position, as well as notional pooling structures. 

Automated account reconciliation 

Reconciliation in Salmon Treasurer is normally accomplished via two fully automated matching methods based on either Payment Reference and Date & Amount. Additional Customised matching method rulesets can be also applied. 


Provides a ‘what if scenario‘ tool that gives you the ability to conduct scenario analysis on trading positions. Including simulated cashflows, deals, transfers between accounts and the possibility to view the effect on the cash position.


Salmon Treasurer interfaces with all banks, Swift services, and bureaus to automatically import data and statements, including balances and sweeps, in any format. Salmon Treasurer also supports real time connectivity via APIs where available.


We will ensure that the desired output is tailored to your needs. It can have a form of a standard report or flexible dashboards. Users can easily export dashboarding to Excel, PDF and image files while formal reporting can be exported to any format required.

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11. 9. 2024

Necto to power Salmon Software's cash management APIs

Salmon Software (“Salmon”), a leading provider of treasury management solutions, and Necto API (“Necto”), a global fintech company transforming corporate finance and treasury departments by aggregating cash management APIs, have joined forces to easily and rapidly connect corporate treasuries to full-service bank API offerings.

Case studies
15. 1. 2024

Time to Fly: Aergo Capital In Control With Salmon Software’s TMS

International aircraft leasing firm Aergo Capital saw exactly what it needed in Salmon Software, as its finance and funding leaders explain.

16. 11. 2023

Reinforcing Dominance in the Aviation Industry

Salmon Software, a leading provider of treasury management systems, is pleased to announce LCI, a leading aviation company, as a new client.