34th Annual Australian Corporate Treasury Association Conference

34th Annual Australian Corporate Treasury Association Conference
Date & time: 04 - 06 May 2022 at 4:00 pm
Address: Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre (MCEC), Australia
Organiser: Australian Corporate Treasury Association
Website: https://actatreasury.com.au/events/2022-annual-conference-2022/
The 34th Annual Conference will be held at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre (MCEC) from Wednesday 4th – Friday 6th May 2022. Salmon Software is happy to be back to face to face events and is confident once again that treasurers will take this opportunity to embrace the personal and professional development that ACTA's program will offer.
Stop by our booth to discuss current trends in treasury, our approach towards these trends, new developments in regards to Salmon Treasurer, our treasury management system solution, or just to small talk.
We look forward to meeting you there face to face.