To drive fast, you need a powerful car

Here we are, 1 year on from the arrival of the Coronavirus. It’s been a strange year in many ways and many things have changed. But Cash Management remains front and centre of Treasury
The arrival of Banking APIs has made it possible for our sophisticated Treasury Management System, Salmon Treasurer, to bring to life Real Time Cash Management. Cash Management is key to business continuity.
Real Time Cash Management is a really effective toolkit in Salmon Treasurer, bringing to life the movements in your cash positions through Interactive Dashboards. These operate in the same way as Moving Weather Maps are produced from Radar Images that you see on your TV screens.
You know what’s in your accounts, what’s coming in and what’s going out as it happens. You can get the big pictures of cash by currency, cash by entity, cash by country, for 1 account or for thousands of accounts. All real time.
A 2019 survey by Deloitte found that improving data visibility was the number one challenge for treasurers. Cash is a very fundamental part of this data. If everything you need to know is at your fingertips, then your decision making is as good as it can get. Furthermore, with interactive mapping, you can instantly measure the impact of those decisions before you make them and after you make them. The Banking APIs provide the fuel, Salmon Treasurer provides the power.
With your Treasury Management System purring, you can Integrate your Cash Management function with your Working Capital requirements. Integrate your Working Capital Requirements with your Intercompany Position Keeping. Integrate your Intercompany Position Keeping with your Intercompany Netting. All working in harmony and single actions impacting and updating all, in total synchronization from a single source.
According to a 2019 study by PWC, 64 percent of corporate treasurers noted an increased focus on working capital management. Salmon Treasurer with it’s sophisticated integration with Banking APIs and other 3rd party systems provides a smooth integration of cash data in order to have a clearer view on working capital, liquidity, servicing loans, rescheduling debts and other priorities for Treasurers.
The effect of this level of sophistication on decision making, is dramatic.
Cash management is a major concern for corporates. Companies are now looking for ways to manage cash more efficiently and want to learn more about liquidity across multiple banks, multiple jurisdictions, multiple currencies, multiple subsidiaries and other such parameters.
Salmon Treasurer API integration offers you this. We assemble the pictures in real time and we put you in the driving seat.