Risk-Free Rates

Salmon Treasurer supports any type of risk-free reference rate

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Smooth and easy transition to Risk Free Rates

For those treasurers who haven’t acted already, now is the time to identify IBOR exposures, have a contingency plan for accidental oversights, and understand the different challenges presented by the new market risk-free rates.

Challenges to overcome

In order to use RFR to calculate the floating rate of interest on a multi-day borrowing period, each RFR fixing during that period must be collected and compounded. Furthermore, most of the RFRs are backward-looking, hence can only be calculated once the period has ended, as its calculation requires each daily fixing of the rate.

Tackling the Complexities of IBOR Transition

Our guests, Shaun Kennedy from Associated British Ports, Svenja Schumacher from Deloitte and our Director Tassos Dimopoulos, provide advice on how companies can reduce reliance on IBOR and consider how the transition to risk-free rates will affect the global financial marketplace.

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Success Stories

26. 11. 2021

Risk Free Rates - IBOR Transition

Salmon Treasurer is capable of recording any Risk-Free Rate, we can mention SONIA, SOFR, SARON, TONA & €STER as the most common ones.

Press releases
31. 8. 2021

Tackling the Complexities of IBOR Transition

Is your treasury management system ready to accommodate the new way of capturing the information from their transactions and deals?

8. 7. 2021

Tackling the Complexities of IBOR Transition

Corporates will need, sooner or later, to move to RFRs, the most known ones are SONIA, SOFR, €STER & SARON. Salmon Treasurer supports all of these RFRs.